The Modern Environmental Hazards of Tyrannical Technology
Advancement always brings with it a few new curveballs for our species; coal mining provides affordable electricity for many while exposing an unfortunate few to dangerous working conditions and unheard-of ailments such as black lung. X rays allowed us to see and diagnose medical conditions like never before, it also gave early users radiation poisoning. Nuclear power has the potential for clean, near unlimited energy, but then again, we have incidents like Fukushima, Three Mile Island, and Chernobyl. As technology blazes its path into the future unfortunate humans are left drowning in its wake sometimes. This article is about the unknown dangers that presently surround and affect us whether we realize it or not.
Havana Syndrome has been in and out of the news over the past few years as inexplicable symptoms began affecting US diplomats all over the world. Currently it is considered a non-specific neurological illness from unidentified causative factors. The mysterious nature of the symptoms and the population experiencing it has led to a variety of theories including espionage, political machinations, and directed energy weapons. The debate over what is happening has gone back and forth like a ping pong ball in medical society since the syndrome was first described in Cuba.
Beginning in November of 2016 and lasting through June 2018 twenty-five US diplomats would experience a vague and unusual laundry list of symptoms, headache, nausea, fatigue, confusion, memory loss, insomnia, tinnitus, and other brain abnormalities that were described as "concussion like". Suspiciously a strange sound was also reported at the same time, and this caused talk of a new "sonic" weapon of some sort. After publicly releasing information about the attacks a few dozen tourists would come forward and claim to have experienced the same symptoms while traveling through the area.
The government viewed this as an active threat and began evacuating embassy employees who showed symptoms, this included consulates in Uzbekistan, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing. Canadian diplomats would go so far as to sue their own government for 28 million citing neglect for exposing them to such dangers.
Ear specialists who examined the patients would blame inner ear vestibular damage for the symptoms, meanwhile head trauma specialists described it as a "concussion without a concussion". Imaging studies like MRI's were inconclusive. Another study performed on these patients found that all the subjects had damage to the otolith organs which help regulate balance and perceive gravity.
While the cause does remain a mystery some have argued that the entire thing could be an outbreak of a psychogenic illness. In other words, perhaps it was simply due to the high stress of being a government agent in a foreign land. Comparing it to shell shock they have asked what is more likely, an unknown super weapon or overworked weak minded government employees?
Meanwhile in not unrelated news the military has released to the public videos and even a Frequently Asked Questions page about one of their latest and greatest toys known as “Active Denial Technology”. Here is a link to their fact sheet on the fancy new directed energy weapon platform.
This non-lethal weapon technology is indeed a breakthrough and very effective. The weapon uses a gyrotron to generate a focused and directed electromagnetic energy beam at a frequency of 95 gigahertz. This very short wavelength energy beam, when pointed at humans, will penetrate 1/64th of an inch under the skin and creates a reversible sensation of burning intense enough to stop the enemy in their tracks. They tested it on over 13,000 volunteers and documented only two sustained injuries, both second degree burns. While developed as a non-lethal weapon the military is a little coy in their admission that of course if you continued pointing it at the enemy long enough death could occur but they do not specify if that is 2 seconds or 2 minutes to fry a human to a crisp. Either way it’s supposed use is as a deterrent for controlling crowds in urban environments. So, coming soon to a protest near you.
Now this is not the culprit behind Havana Syndrome, but it does add some weight to the strange weapon argument. Making me even more curious about unusual weapons platforms Eric Hecker, a whistleblower and former Raytheon contractor who worked at the South Pole Neutrino Observatory provided testimony at a recent national press club event. He alleges that the observatory serves a dual purpose as some type directed energy weapon capable of causing earthquakes and a communications array for all the strange things flying through our skies with impunity. This is tame compared to some of the other extreme claims that have percolated into the public consciousness recently, but Hecker strikes me as the sanest of the bunch which make his claims even more fascinating. In addition to his story of directed energy weapons he also describes technology that can implant voices in your head that are not yours. These are referred to as the “Voice of God” weapons capable of creating havoc and confusion behind enemy lines or inspiring extreme violence by the target which lashes out at those around him.
Our minds are essentially biological computing machines and thus they are susceptible to hacking in the same manner that your personal computer is. We receive inputs and signals constantly from the world around us and it is quite possible for some of that information to be damaging. In Japan a documented case of this occurred with an animated episode of Pokémon causing seizures in over seven hundred children who watched the show. These kids’ minds were inadvertently hacked by a signal that caused a seizure. Imagine this technology being weaponized by state powers! A seizure at the inopportune time such as behind the wheel of a car or flying a plane could be catastrophic. Political assassinations could be pulled off without the messiness or lingering questions that bullets leave behind.
Don’t worry though the odds of these technologies being used in a method to directly harm you are unlikely. Using it to manipulate you however is damn near a certainty. Massaging the public opinion and pushing preferred narratives is what state propaganda is all about and it is no secret that propagandizing the American public was made legal in 2013. Here is an article from 2012 warning about this by Michael Hastings, a journalist who would meet a mysterious and untimely demise after his reporting led to the resignation of General Stanley McChrystal. The story has been dramatized into a film called “War Machine” starring Brad Pitt.
So, what is the big deal with a little bit of propaganda anyway, the government deserves free speech just like the rest of us after all, but they have taken it a little further than just speaking their mind. A recent report entitled “The Weaponization of CISA” (full link below in additional reading) details much of the nefarious efforts by this government agency to censor Americans and most importantly gives us the reason why they do it. In a quote directly from Jen Easterly, the CISA Director, she sums it all up succinctly.
“One could argue that we’re in the business of critical infrastructure, and the most critical infrastructure is our cognitive infrastructure…”
Much like our roads, bridges, airports, tunnels and other sources of critical infrastructure, your personal opinions and thoughts must be safeguarded and protected by the government lest they fall prey to disinformation and misinformation. Her quote is from 2021 but unfortunately this dystopian nightmare likely stretches back much further in our history. After all I’m confident that the government didn’t just up and decide to start protecting us from ourselves in 2021, they have likely been conducting experiments like this for as long as you or I have been alive.
Historically many of the worst abuses committed by our government against the public were documented by the Church Committee in the seventies. Crimes conducted by the CIA, NSA, FBI, and IRS were displayed publicly for the first time including the MKULTRA project which helped create such gems as Charles Manson and Ted Kaczynski. The full extent and crimes of these projects will never be known since the CIA director Richard Helms ordered all files destroyed in 1973. The director of MKULTRA was Dr. Sidney Gottlieb who like many of the evilest people in history would never be held accountable for his actions and retired to an agricultural lifestyle in Culpeper Virginia. As far as I can tell he is of no relation to Dr. Scott Gottlieb the former FDA commissioner most notably known for being a cancerous polyp straight from Pfizer’s’ rectum. I bring up the Church committee not to rehash the past but as an example that these organizations have been doing these things for a very long time and what they were caught doing is likely only the tip of the iceberg.
Like many people I look at our society and its strange recent permutations and wonder what has caused such drastic changes. Is it some yet unknown chemical exposure? Endocrine disruptors, aspartame, lead in the drinking water, too many vaccines, not enough vaccines, prescription medications, illegal street drugs or our modern sex hormone roulette that is so popular, the chemical soup that we all swim in has no shortage of potential suspects. Others like to blame the moral decay on a decade long losing culture war resulting in an unstoppable social contagion. While I like this theory, I do worry that something more nefarious may be at play. Researching this piece, I stumbled across a book called Project Soulcatcher by Robert Duncan, a former CIA operative and was blown away by this paragraph from his book written over a decade ago.
“Governments spend enormous resources in unifying the populous. Religion has traditionally been used to unify cultures. However, a more intrusive form of unification has begun which develops children and adult brains within a very constrictive box, dream and thought entrainment. Brain entrainments over the population is being tested to see if they can restrict and induce a limited set of thoughts thereby controlling popular opinion, coercing human perception to a common reality, and in essence stealing their souls from self-determination without their knowing consent. Governments find it easier to govern when everyone thinks the same. Personality implantation using electromagnetic entrainments helps this agenda. Think of this as a virus that copies itself to every human being, effectively taking over the natural order of society.”
While this may seem far-fetched it’s probably been going on for a while, so long in fact that advertisers are starting to become aware of the commercial potential for this type of technology to increase sales. Targeted dream implantation is the latest and greatest idea for advertisers to shove their product down your throat even while you are sleeping. Here is where we get into some ugly truths, companies advertise because it is effective, and advertisers would not be contemplating dream commercials on just a wing and a prayer. They know this technology is effective because it has been used on humans previously. The only question is to what extent and for what purpose?
Jacob Hyatt Pharm D.
Father of three, Husband, Pharmacist, Realtor, Landlord, Independent Health and Medicine Reporter
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Further reading and references
Asadi-Pooya AA. Havana syndrome: a scoping review of the existing literature. Rev Environ Health. 2022 Aug 15. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2021-0182. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35962646.
Bartholomew RE, Baloh RW. Challenging the diagnosis of 'Havana Syndrome' as a novel clinical entity. J R Soc Med. 2020 Jan;113(1):7-11. doi: 10.1177/0141076819877553. Epub 2019 Oct 31. PMID: 31672089; PMCID: PMC6961165.